View Our January Activity Calendar




The Why Behind the What

The Alzheimer Association states that social activity supports brain health and it reduces rates of disability (more information here). It is a medicine, of sorts!  Therefore, as one ages, there are many benefits of remaining social. Here at Rose Linn, we couldn’t agree more. Our care center Activities Director, Jennifer Williams, our activity assistants and our amazing team of care staff endorse our resident’s social lives. Each day, we make time to connect and play.  


As soon as a new resident moves into Rose Linn, our activities director meets with them one-on-one to get to know them and their interests. The activity director gets to know each resident’s history to help match options to their liking.  We also encourage group participation in upcoming events that they would likely enjoy. Most importantly, we welcome family and friends to join us at Rose Linn in any of our activity options or events. Do let us know in advance, and we will plan for your visit!

Care Center Activities for All

Rose Linn offers many different social and leisure activities through the life engagement program.  Our efforts are geared towards helping our residents remain active, social, and involved in their community. What’s more, we strive to have options that meet a variety of needs and enrich the whole person.  Whether you and your loved one enjoys bingo, cards, outings, entertainment, exercise, bible study or even special group cooking activities – we mix things up for ultimate happiness and engagement. 


Our patio and garden area is a special place.  Our residents love the opportunity to nurture plants and enjoy some fresh air.  We utilize this space during fair weather months!  Another special feature of our community includes our activity bus.   Opportunities abound on the open road!  We enjoy trips to local attractions, community events and our favorite local eats (like VooDoo Donuts on National Donut Day!).